After an extensive review process by the YIMBY Denver Leads Council, and with ratification by dues-paying members, YIMBY Denver is proud to announce our first round of state candidate endorsements in the 2024 state elections.
In this first round of review, we focused on contested primaries and candidates who'd specifically requested an early review. We will have another round of reviews later in the year post-primaries.
In developing these recommendations, the Leads surveyed candidates with a questionnaire, reviewed the voting records of incumbents on this and last year's state bills, and considered the context of candidates' opponents, with a primary lens on housing and transportation policy. There were multiple races in which endorsements were not made.
Colorado is 325,000 housing units short of restoring balance and getting out of the historic housing shortage and according to city documents, it is illegal to build anything but a single-family home on 77% of all land zoned for housing in Denver.
Thankfully at the state level times are changing. Last year we saw the end of growth caps passed by the state legislature. This session we saw several bills that were passed: a prohibition on residential occupancy limits, a limit on minimum parking requirements, cause required for residential evictions, ADUs by right, and housing in transit-oriented communities.
We've seen this past week just how important a pro-housing legislature is--and that's why we need to elect/re-elect these housing champions.
Join us in supporting the following candidates: